Welcome and Grand Opening!

Welcome Back Beatles
Prior to this post, I had never heard of this publication. Judging by the headlines on some of the other issues I found at My Comic Shop, it doesn’t exactly seem like a classy magazine.

It Bears Repeating: Welcome and Grand Opening!

Hello! And welcome to this blog! If it were a tad more up to me, this place would be closed for a couple of more days. I’m not finish updating all of that SEO nonsense and adding this blog to search engines. Plus, I wanted to have a couple of more posts in my back pocket so that I don’t have to scramble before Thursday every other week to write a new post.

So Why Are You Posting This Now?

I am making this for an art class, but I need to clarify that statement. I decided to create this blog prior to that class. But I ended up deciding to use this blog as a means to fulfill an assignment. Does that make any sense?

However, this blog will be complete enough for that assignment. The blog won’t be considered “complete” until I finish a couple of other things. (I’m way too much of a perfectionist for my own good.) Though, it probably won’t seem unfinished to most people, at least in a structural sense. It will probably be a while before a reasonable amount of relevant content is posted to this blog. Regardless, I’m going to push myself to finish what needs done by the end of this week. Developing the structure of this site feels as if it’s taking forever–I just want to write and share what I have written!

If you haven’t checked out any of my pages already, perhaps the Book and Idea List is a good place to start. Maybe you can throw some more ideas my way. And then you’ll have even more to read!

With That Being Said…

I hope that I keep these types of posts few in numbers, as I feel that they detract from the blog’s purpose. (Though, I’m concerned about not communicating well enough with my visitors, if I limit these posts by too much.) Enough of my complaining! Enjoy!

The Acrylic Mystic

Pleased to meet you, hoped you've guessed my name! I am someone who has lived on both U.S. coasts, and I feel as if I've lived many lives, too. Many who have met me say that I am an old soul, but I cannot say if that is true.

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