Tagged: moto hagio

This tag is used for any posts regarding Moto Hagio and her relevant works.

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 3 1

Transcription for Age of The Beatles

Even though I question how many people will be interested in the last post to begin with, I wanted to provide a transcription for “Age of The Beatles” in a format independent of the scanlated images. Considering some of the circles I frequent, I have heard regular mention of how visually-impaired people struggle with accessing content online due to how many text readers cannot parse text found within images. I will eventually be sharing one more post about “Age of The Beatles.” I’ve decided that I won’t post it next week. I’m not sure if I’ll post it the Thursday...

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 1 1

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio

Scatteredness I suspect this is something I’ll have to get used to: that I when I sit down to write a post, it’s about a totally different subject than what I had been planning for days. You would think that this wouldn’t surprise me, as I have this approach with life in general. A while ago on the Internet Archive, I saw a scanlation of Boku wa Beatles, a manga by Tetsuo Fujii and Kaiji Kawaguchi. It’s about two members who are part of a Beatles cover band who get transported to the past. I got the idea of seeing...

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