Tagged: age of the beatles

This tag is applied to posts pertaining to the illustrated essay “Age of the Beatles” by the legendary mangaka Moto Hagio.

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 3 1

Transcription for Age of The Beatles

Even though I question how many people will be interested in the last post to begin with, I wanted to provide a transcription for “Age of The Beatles” in a format independent of the scanlated images. Considering some of the circles I frequent, I have heard regular mention of how visually-impaired people struggle with accessing content online due to how many text readers cannot parse text found within images. I will eventually be sharing one more post about “Age of The Beatles.” I’ve decided that I won’t post it next week. I’m not sure if I’ll post it the Thursday...

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 1 1

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio

Scatteredness I suspect this is something I’ll have to get used to: that I when I sit down to write a post, it’s about a totally different subject than what I had been planning for days. You would think that this wouldn’t surprise me, as I have this approach with life in general. A while ago on the Internet Archive, I saw a scanlation of Boku wa Beatles, a manga by Tetsuo Fujii and Kaiji Kawaguchi. It’s about two members who are part of a Beatles cover band who get transported to the past. I got the idea of seeing...

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