Contact the Author of This Blog

General Contact Information

Do you need to contact the author of this blog because you have comments, suggestions (including ideas for posts, and texts to read and review), concerns, or compliments? Use the information or the form found below:

21106 Twin Springs Dr
PO Box 11
Chewsville, MD 21721
United States

map of area around Chewsville, Maryland USPS
Unfortunately, this is an image, not a map widget. I seemed to have an issue of some sort with every map widget I tried.

If you find that the form below is not working (and/or that you simply don’t like using contact forms!), please feel free to send an e-mail to the above address.  Also, if you need to contact the author of this blog by phone, text messaging is the method I certainly prefer.  Any packages or fan mail can be sent to the above mailing address. I will return any messages as soon as possible.

Contact Form

Social Media and Other Relevant Sites

Apart from the posts and pages of this blog, I have some accounts on other sites that are connected to this project. Some are methods in which you can donate (Proceeds will be used to purchase media for this blog first, as means of keeping this blog operating second, and all remaining funds used as living wages.) Other accounts are profiles that are relevant to this site’s operations. And the remainder are alternate means of reading articles adapted from this blog.

Methods to Donate

Ko-fiKo-fi account
PayPalPayPal account
StripeStripe account
Cash AppCash App account

Relevant Profiles and Accounts

GoodreadsGoodreads account
AmazonAmazon account

Other Methods of Reading My Content

MediumMedium account
SubstackSubstack account

Accessibility Toolbar

e-mail address phone number PayPal Stripe Cash App Ko-fi
Medium Substack Goodreads Amazon