Category: Meta

The Meta category is for flagging posts about the blog itself.  This includes its maintenance, design, scheduling changes, and other similar concerns.  Basically, this is the category for posts that feel like a fourth-wall break of sorts.

Often, these posts will be me explaining how offline events are impacting what I am able to do currently on the blog.  Explanations for posting delays are prime material for this.  Posts where I talk about search engine optimization and other back end issues will be categorized here.  Same goes for any posts where I talk about issues related to the mailing list.

After the... Savoy Truffle 0

So Much for that Plan…

I’m going to be frank: posting every other week is even not a current reality for this blog. I am juggling way too many large projects in their early phases at once. I think I need to prioritize, and well, this blog is currently at the bottom of the list. It won’t always be. Seeing that this blog doesn’t get many visitors at the moment, I think it’ll be okay for me to have a method where I post only whenever I can. If I had regular readers, then that would be another reality. So see you whenever. I’m hoping...

"Images of a Woman" by The Beatles 0

An Old Beatles-Related Work of Mine

A Small Update Hello, again! I apologize for the lack of effort for this week’s post. I assure you that I am not being lazy. It’s anything but that! Rather, my attention has been diverted to work-related concerns. (I’m trying to expand a business of mine. And part of that includes creating a designated website for it.) I haven’t had a chance to build up a backlog. Or else I would be posting from that and you’d be none the wiser. While I have mentioned at the bottom of the About the Blog page that I update every other Thursday,...

Welcome Back Beatles 0

Welcome and Grand Opening!

It Bears Repeating: Welcome and Grand Opening! Hello! And welcome to this blog! If it were a tad more up to me, this place would be closed for a couple of more days. I’m not finish updating all of that SEO nonsense and adding this blog to search engines. Plus, I wanted to have a couple of more posts in my back pocket so that I don’t have to scramble before Thursday every other week to write a new post. So Why Are You Posting This Now? I am making this for an art class, but I need to clarify...

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