Book and Idea List

The Purpose of This Page

As a matter of fact, I’ve had quite a few ideas for this blog for quite some time. My working memory is not the greatest, in spite of that. So I am creating this book and idea list for my sake as much as for you. Considering the volume of material I have at my disposal and number of ideas in my head, I highly doubt that I will be running out of content soon. And keep in mind that not all of the ideas I have will be listed here. Therefore, feel free to make suggestions. After all, you might have an idea that would otherwise never enter my mind.

a stack of three books about The Beatles and an opened pack of Beatles trading cards
These items are part of my personal collection.

Books in My Possession


Books I Intend to Buy

In addition to what is listed below, I would like to find self-published books about The Beatles. I know that Lulu has a bunch that seem promising. Even though my list is already quite long, if you know of any other publishers that focus on self-publishing that have some Beatles-related books available, let me know. Also, I haven’t checked any e-book collections yet–I imagine there is plenty there, too. Plus, some of the books below are only tangentially related to The Beatles, to point out.


Academic Articles to Download

I intend to read articles published in academic journals about The Beatles. I know that there has indeed been quite a bit said by professors, researchers, and others involved in research and academics. But I don’t hear many people outside of their circles and institutions of education talk much about these publications. Considering my field of study in college, I understand that academic articles can be a bit dry. (Granted, my experience has been more with scientific papers rather than historical and sociological publications. And in spite of doing little work in my field of study, I feel that I understand research papers better than most.)

Undeniably, seeing what all I have found what little searching I have done, I intend to have a separate page on this blog for academic articles. I plan to make a separate page because I would like to describe to viewers in a bit more detail about what databases they can use for free to find free articles. A ton of these papers cost quite a bit to purchase, not to mention that many of the databases aren’t free to access, too. I want to make this process a bit easier for those who are interested, of course.


Other Post Ideas

  • The Beatles Tarot by Welkin Tarot
  • The Beatles Lenormand by Welkin Tarot
  • The Colours coloring pencils by Pun Labs
  • Paul Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison
  • discussion about various “ancient” Beatles websites
  • Beatles-related video game hacks
  • my experience growing up as a fan of The Beatles
  • my distance from fandom
  • musical about George Harrison
  • how George’s childhood home is being made into an Airbnb
  • discussion about The Beatles’ appearances in The Simpsons
  • artwork by The Beatles
  • artwork of The Beatles by professional artists

Worthwhile Information to Know

Please note: without a doubt, I do not support Philip Norman. Chances are if you suggest that I should read anything written by him, your suggestion will be rejected. I would rather not spend what time I have of this life hate-reading. However, if you would like me to editorialize about him, I’ll likely do that at some point in the future.

By all means, I will not support anything or anyone who has a vendetta against George Harrison. I extend such sentiments towards other members of The Beatles and their inner circle, too. But for many reasons (including favoritism, to be upfront and honest), I single out George, and very likely, you’ll come to learn why, too.

If any inflammatory material relating to The Beatles is ridiculous to the point it’s funny, then I might consider it fair game. (Something absurd along the lines of Reefer Madness, to give you a better idea of what I mean.) I would rather not have this material be part of a current controversy, as I think that people in general should not give most people involved the attention they crave.

Also, if you have any relevant books you would like me to read, don’t be afraid to send them my way (especially if you are an author who is trying to get word of your publication out there). Just keep in mind that it might be awhile before I get around to posting about it, let alone read your book, as I have a lot on my back burner as it is, including plenty of tasks and projects not related to this blog.

Despite this site pertaining to a music group, I’m not exactly what you’d call an audiophile. Therefore, asking me to review the quality of remasters might be a bit pointless. I’d probably find reviewing remasters of relevant movies and other videos a bit boring. In other words, if you want reviews of that type, go somewhere else.

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