Blog Updates


I have decided that I am most likely going to be following an every other week posting schedule until I finish some other projects outside of this blog. And unfortunately, I can foresee that happening for months. So in other words, this blog is going to continue to be a hobby for long time. I didn’t want to accept that, as I have a ton of ideas in mind. But I think it’s better that I stop lying to myself, and by extension, anyone who stumbles upon this blog. (And stumbling it’ll be, as I don’t have much time to work on SEO or indexing. Nor do I really want to spread this blog by word-of-mouth until get more posts of substance are added here.)


Because Google AdSense is not wanting to approve me at this time (as it essentially boils down to me not having enough content and page views for their liking due to this blog being too new), I am trying another ad network for now.

I have chosen Monetag, as it is supposedly friendly for low-traffic websites. (Hopefully, this place will eventually get more visitors.) I’ve tried to choose the least obtrusive option they have for ads. If ads weren’t so annoying, I would’ve selected more forms of ads. But I would rather not scare people away from here due to frustration.

If you know of any other options that might work better, let me know. I know I’ll eventually try to join an affiliate program for book listings and some other products. But I know that actually need to write some relevant posts first. (Though, I know that I’ll eventually have some.)


Heads up: I will not be adding a new post tomorrow. I have had to spend a significant portion of this week’s work on this blog fixating on SEO and issues Google has alerted me about in regards to the indexing of this blog’s pages and posts. While I know that I will have to focus on SEO for the entire lifetime of this blog, less time will be devoted to it once I iron out the wrinkles. Expect to see the descrption text on all of the category pages to increase in length.

Also, I just noticed that my Age of The Beatles post from this past week somehow ended up in the trash. I have no clue how that happened. Thank goodness I had noticed, and it now has been restored. Expect two follow-up posts to it over the next month or so.


I have made a few small changes here and there, in hopes that I will be approved for Google AdSense. These changes include explicitly mentioning Google AdSense in the privacy policy, moving the link to the privacy policy to a more obvious location (from the base of the footer to the menu bar), and removing ads from the 404 page.

I’ve added some more content (that is, words) to some of the pages and posts. (Seriously, though… Contact pages should be exempt from this rule, in my opinion. People, or at least I would, prefer them to the point than having a bunch of bulk content to them! I get it that they don’t spammers taking advantage of their program, but there really should be some exceptions for certain types of pages and posts.)

I may have to make some more changes over time, as Google wasn’t exactly upfront with their feedback. And even then, it might be a while before I am approved, as part of my problem may be related to me not having that many pages and posts on my blog, yet. I am not going to slap stuff together just to boost the number of pages this blog has, as I think that should be an organic process.


I have added a privacy policy to this site. This policy can be accessed at the bottom of the page. And it is linked beneath the social media box.


After a couple of months in the making, this site has finally been launched. I need to keep on eye on Google and Bing indexing my pages. I am going to be adding advertisement banners to the footer of the page, too. (Maybe one of these days, I will be approved by Google AdSense…)

I apologize for adding any advertisements, but my intention all along has been to monetize this blog. (If only society didn’t require money to live…) However, I will try to be as unobtrusive as possible when implementing monetization.

I’ve also decided to make this page for blog updates! Go figure, huh?

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