About The Acrylic Mystic

photo of Shadow for the About The Acrylic Mystic page
No, I’m not actually a cat. But at this time, I would rather not share a photo of myself. I’ve roped Shadow into the job of representing me.

A Bit about Me

Seeing that you are on this page, I suppose that you are wondering about The Acrylic Mystic. When I hear the question, “What is the first song by The Beatles you had ever listened to,” I shrug. I have listened to The Beatles for as long as I remember. And I know I had heard them even prior to those memories. I mean that in the sense of people barely remembering anything from the time they were babies. And in a metaphysical sense, too.

I’m what I’ve heard some historians and other people deem as a “second-generation Beatles fan.” In my circumstances, it was my father who encouraged me to listen to them. My father was old enough to had attended the original Woodstock Music and Art Fair as a teenager. So he was alive when The Beatles made their debut in the U.S., too. While I am convinced that I was alive then in another form, I didn’t assume my current state until the mid-’80s.

While I can’t answer the question in the opening paragraph, there are two other bog-standard questions asked to fans of The Beatles that I can answer: my favorite Beatle is George, and my favorite album by The Beatles is Revolver. I could give you a long, drawn out explanation as to why George is my favorite. But I know that I will be answering that in due time.


What’s in a Name?

As for the screen name I use for this blog, I chose it for multiple reasons: the “Mystic” part is a reflection of my spiritual journey I have been taking. My beliefs are not reflective of most of those who I grew up around and who currently surround me. And those beliefs would probably be deemed as mystical, too. The choice of “Acrylic” is for two reasons: I am an artist, and acrylic paint is one of the mediums I use. The other reason is that I feel a bit like a fake when it comes to the “Mystic” aspect, even though I suspect that is me just being hard on myself as usual.

I had thought about using “The Plastic Mystic.” The “Plastic” would’ve served the “fake” aspect that “Acrylic” does, much like how “Rubber” does in “Rubber Soul.” But like how “Rubber” in that instance serves more than one purpose, I opted for an adjective that is multi-purpose for my specific case, too. Aside from “Acrylic” referring to my dabbling in visual art, it collectively serves a third purpose when coupled with “Mystic.” My first and middle names start with “A” and “M” like how “A” starts “Acrylic” and “M” starts “Mystic.”


In Close…

I hope you continue to look around this blog. I also hope that you continue to be a regular visitor, too. Please sign up for the mailing list, if you find it difficult to regularly visit websites. I promise not to bombard you with junk. Feel free to make any suggestions or recommendations, but be kind when doing that.

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