Monthly Archive: May 2023

After the... Savoy Truffle 0

So Much for that Plan…

I’m going to be frank: posting every other week is even not a current reality for this blog. I am juggling way too many large projects in their early phases at once. I think I need to prioritize, and well, this blog is currently at the bottom of the list. It won’t always be. Seeing that this blog doesn’t get many visitors at the moment, I think it’ll be okay for me to have a method where I post only whenever I can. If I had regular readers, then that would be another reality. So see you whenever. I’m hoping...

sticker of George 0

Why George Is My Favorite

To Begin… At the time of last week’s post, I was intending that this post would be a book review. But I think I should address something about my preferences before I write many more posts. If you have read everything that I have written here, you probably realize that my allegiances are with George Harrison more than others involved with The Beatles. And I’ll be forthright about it: I’m rather defensive about why George is my favorite. Why? Well… From a Young Age Perhaps the following will sound like bullshit: George was always my favorite, but I didn’t always...

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 3 1

Transcription for Age of The Beatles

Even though I question how many people will be interested in the last post to begin with, I wanted to provide a transcription for “Age of The Beatles” in a format independent of the scanlated images. Considering some of the circles I frequent, I have heard regular mention of how visually-impaired people struggle with accessing content online due to how many text readers cannot parse text found within images. I will eventually be sharing one more post about “Age of The Beatles.” I’ve decided that I won’t post it next week. I’m not sure if I’ll post it the Thursday...

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