Monthly Archive: April 2023

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio, page 1 1

Age of The Beatles by Moto Hagio

Scatteredness I suspect this is something I’ll have to get used to: that I when I sit down to write a post, it’s about a totally different subject than what I had been planning for days. You would think that this wouldn’t surprise me, as I have this approach with life in general. A while ago on the Internet Archive, I saw a scanlation of Boku wa Beatles, a manga by Tetsuo Fujii and Kaiji Kawaguchi. It’s about two members who are part of a Beatles cover band who get transported to the past. I got the idea of seeing...

"Images of a Woman" by The Beatles 0

An Old Beatles-Related Work of Mine

A Small Update Hello, again! I apologize for the lack of effort for this week’s post. I assure you that I am not being lazy. It’s anything but that! Rather, my attention has been diverted to work-related concerns. (I’m trying to expand a business of mine. And part of that includes creating a designated website for it.) I haven’t had a chance to build up a backlog. Or else I would be posting from that and you’d be none the wiser. While I have mentioned at the bottom of the About the Blog page that I update every other Thursday,...

table 1 from "Psychedelic Orientalism: Representations of India in the Music of the Beatles" 0

Round-up of Dissertations #1

Opening Ramble Welp. This wasn’t initially one of the subjects I was intending for my first meaningful post on this site. But I wanted to give you something a teensy bit better than that whiny welcome post. Everything else I kept thinking of would require just a bit more time to complete than I had on hand. As a result, those posts have been put aside for now. Thus, here is round-up of dissertations. For that reason, I decided to check out some free online databases for academic publications. Thus, I rounded up a couple of peer-reviewed papers about The...

Welcome Back Beatles 0

Welcome and Grand Opening!

It Bears Repeating: Welcome and Grand Opening! Hello! And welcome to this blog! If it were a tad more up to me, this place would be closed for a couple of more days. I’m not finish updating all of that SEO nonsense and adding this blog to search engines. Plus, I wanted to have a couple of more posts in my back pocket so that I don’t have to scramble before Thursday every other week to write a new post. So Why Are You Posting This Now? I am making this for an art class, but I need to clarify...

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